How Purpose & Core Values Drive Every Aspect of Discover Term

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If you’ve read through our website, you already know that Discover Term was founded upon a singular Purpose that drives everything we do:

Our Purpose

We believe greatness lies within every human being. We empower teens at critical growth stages to awaken their senses, activate their untapped potential, and ignite their passion for life, learning, and adventure.

But how does this purpose come to life throughout our Powder Term and Surf Term programs? What does it look like in practice? Keep reading to learn how our Core Values of Vitality, Learning, Adventure, and Freedom support this mission, fueling every decision we make — and every experience for our participants.

Our Core Values

From our phone-free philosophy and communal-style living arrangements to self-driven academics and physical skill mastery, there are four key principles at the heart of all things Discover Term:


Priority #1 is always to keep our students and staff safe, healthy, strong, and energized.


We embrace opportunities for continual development via the pursuit of physical, academic, and self mastery.


With every experience, we strive to explore, discover, embolden, awaken, invigorate, and inspire.


We provide a safe space for participants to stretch their own limits in every way imaginable.

Philosophy in Action

Our Core Values all come together in the Discover Term Philosophy of Operations.

Our Philosophy of Operations

We ensure students and staff maintain the vitality they need to freely pursue learning and adventure for a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience.

That means every decision we make, every interaction with students and between staff members, is guided in real time by this Philosophy and driven by our Purpose and Core Values. 

For example, let’s say we’re on a group hike and some of the students want to take a side trip on an unexplored trail to see a nearby waterfall. Here’s how we would evaluate the situation to determine the next step:

1. Vitality Check 

“First and foremost, based on our current understanding of the situation, will going to see this waterfall put students’ or staff’s health or safety at risk?” If not, proceed to the next check.

2. Learning Check

“Will going to see the waterfall provide a learning opportunity?” If so, proceed to the next check.

3. Adventure Check

“Will students be exploring or discovering something new or exciting if we take a side trip to see the waterfall?” If so, proceed to the final check.

4. Freedom Check

“Will this side trip help students feel a greater sense of freedom and autonomy—that they have agency in their own decisions and actions?” If so, go enjoy that waterfall!

But, importantly, the point of these checks is not to always find a path to “yes.” It’s to genuinely assess whether any given decision or activity adheres to our principles and provides maximum benefit to our participants in accordance with those principles.

The goal? Give participants the tools, environment, and guidance they need to create positive habits, foundational knowledge, deep friendships, and unshakable confidence that will last a lifetime.


Ready to get started?


Is Our Family a Fit for Discover Term?


“How Do I Take My Kid Out of School?” — Discover Term Academics FAQs