Why Phone-Free Living is Critical to Teen Transformation

It goes without saying that in today's day and age, cell phones and screen time take up much mental space and energy for all of us. Whether it be the toddler crying for the iPad at a restaurant, the teenager locked into social media at the dinner table, or the parent reading work emails in bed, the desire to reach for a screen is felt by all - young and old. 

At Discover Term, we disrupt these habits and safely store cell phones away for the duration of our 5-week terms to create a space for students to deeply connect, increase presence, maximize efficiency, detox from the stresses and strains of social media/texting, and ultimately, transform.

Discover Term Drives Deep Personal Connection for Teens

On the first day of Surf and Powder Term, the Discover Term team warmly greets the students at our surf and ski lodges before soon asking the teens to hand their phones over to be safely stored away for the entire term. Right from the get-go, students lose the "safety net" of being able to sit and scroll when feelings of awkwardness or uncertainty arise. Instead, they are put in a situation where they connect with the people directly in front of them. Initially, this can be challenging, and the itch to reach for the familiar rectangle in one's pocket is very strong. Yet, this is where the magic begins and soon becomes the norm.

Surf Term Costa Rica

Without their cellphones, our students start to look one another in the eyes, play name games, ask silly questions, and form friendships driven by curiosity and interests rather than likes on Instagram or updates on Snapchat. Instead of scrolling before bed, students are busy telling silly stories in their bunks and creating exploration plans for the days ahead. 

Teens Learn Presence and Mindful Awareness

While it can feel challenging for families at home to not be able to have regular touch points or a quick text check-in, the time away from cell phones increases presence and mindfulness for our students. Without the option of a screen, Discover Term students keep their heads and eyes up and open to deeply see and observe their surroundings. From the monkeys and mangoes in the jungle of Costa Rica to the snow-capped mountains and wildlife sightings in the San Juan mountains of Durango, looking out the window becomes more enticing than TikTok videos or Snapchat stories. 
Learning Time Efficency

How many times have we all started a task, felt the faithful buzz of our cellphones, checked the message, and then entered the "screen spiral" to have completely forgotten what we had been doing in the first place… 30 minutes ago? While we may have ordered new shoes, found a flight to our cousin's college graduation, read an article about how to grow herbs inside your home, and fired off an Evite to a birthday party, precious minutes that turn into hours get lost into the abyss of cell phone screens. Even bathroom breaks take several minutes longer with the creation of Instagram Reels! When we take away phones, fewer grocery lists go unfinished, but more books are read, sounds are heard, meals are shared, and memories are made!

At Discover Term, Teens Learn Time Efficiency

On a typical day at Powder and Surf Term, our students rise early, move their bodies outside, either in the ocean or on the snow, eat fresh food together, dive into place-based learning projects, continue their school studies, and practice leadership through games and challenges. At each Discover Term, we achieve more before 10 AM than one might typically complete during the typical hours of 9-5. With limited access to computers only for designated study hall hours, students experience new-found spaciousness in their days and schedules to relax, read, and hang with their new friends.

Teens Experience Decreased Anxiety, Increased Joy and Curiosity

Several studies show phones and social media's profoundly negative impact on teenagers today. With the constant access to see what they are "not doing," how "cool someone else's life looks," and "how many more likes this person's picture got," - it's no wonder teens today struggle with inadequacy. By taking away phones and access to these curated images, the focus shifts from "what I don't have" to what I do have right in front of me!

Transformation: What Do the Students Say?

On the final mornings of Surf and Powder Term, we prepare to return cell phones to the students as they pack to travel home. The last days at Discover Terms involve much discussion about reintegration and re-entering society and community as transformed beings. When asked about what it was like not to have their phones for 5 weeks, they told us:

"I don't miss my phone at all - I am actually nervous to get it back. It's been so nice not having it."

"I get so much more done without the distraction of my phone! When I get home after school, I want to turn my phone off and put it in a drawer so that I can do my homework much more quickly - that way, I have more time to spend outside and be with my friends!"

"I used to waste so much time on my phone. I hope I can keep up with this feeling of not needing it at all."

And when it comes to how to return the devices, the vote has always been unanimous:

 "We want to spend the final moments together and wait until the last possible moment to get our phones back - we haven't needed them for five weeks, we sure don't need them in these last final minutes!" 

Talk about a transformation.

Is Your Teen Ready to Experience the Discover Term Transformation?

Discover Term’s fully immersive, non-traditional learning programs empower 6th-9th graders to stretch their limits in every way imaginable.

For five weeks, students trade standard schooling for accelerated academics, smartphones for expert-led outdoor athletics, and everyday pressures for unforgettable adventures in some of the most beautiful settings on the planet.

To apply for Powder Term, click here and to apply for Surf Term, click here.


Give Us 5 Weeks to Transform Your Teen


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